It was "Kind of A Boring" Summer, and I'm Looking Forward to Autumn...
+ A Creative Path Forward and Ten Quick Questions for You.
It’s been a slow but busy summer.
Let me explain.
Slow because there wasn’t much on our summer social and away-from-home agenda. We didn’t plan anything; there were no trips, extra events, or family visits this year. We even scaled down the garden, planting only a handful of vegetables in a no-till “not-garden,” as we came to call it.
Still, that’s not to say we weren’t busy. On our staycation of a sort, instead, dear Hubby and I stayed busy with everyday property things like mowing the lawn, trimming trees, washing and sealing the deck, repairing stuff, and doing the many little things we’d been putting off doing while waiting for warmer weather. Our daily focus directed us to accomplish at least one bigger outdoor task (or indoor “cooler project on sweltering days” in the comfort of air-conditioning) each day in addition to our routine regular duties. On most days, those additions were enough to wear us out.
I’ve been an early riser for years, waking up and stumbling to my office at 4 a.m. But this summer, most days, I slept in until six and sometimes almost seven a.m., enjoying a few extra snuggles😊. For the first time in nearly eight years, I took weekends off from work entirely, leaving my admin blog work for weekdays only until noon or shortly after!
All that work, sweat, sore muscles, and busy afternoons aside, I’d say this past summer was “kind of boring,” but in a good way. While I missed the typical flurry of excitement, juggling things, and planning that most summers bring, I can honestly say that I needed the mental break from having a more defined schedule.
In the rare moments between everything else when I had free time, I read a few new books, cooked just for fun, tackled gluten-free sourdough bread, and learned to brew kombucha. I also began to daydream about what I’d like this next blogging chapter to look like, mapping it out and helping me settle into the mental space I needed to get going again.
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Looking Forward to Autumn…
Before I jump further into this post, I’m sharing one of my new favorite blogs by fellow Wisconsinite Kimberly Mackowski @ THE PARK NEXT DOOR. Though we have not met in person, I feel the spark of a kindred spirit in Kimberly’s photos and writings. She is a nature lover, bird watcher, wildlife fan, amateur photographer, humane gardener, traveler, and singer of songs. She also resides in Wisconsin, bringing interest and beauty through her blog and online magazine filled with beautiful photos of our state’s parks, wildlife, trails, and bright blue skies. If you have time, I’d encourage you to check out the beauty that lies in TheParkNextDoor.

On June 5th, I left you with a different sort of post in your inbox about the essence of purposeful writing, insight into the act of being a writer, seven valuable business lessons I’ve learned, creativity, reality, and change.
Since I hit send, I’ve revisited that post I wrote almost weekly, re-reading my words, reviewing the lessons I shared, contemplating how to change things up (just a little bit), and examining the best steps forward for you and me.
Thinking about this platform, the main website of, and what I, if I were you, might want from all this. What features, downloads, and offerings might be the most beneficial to you if you’re celiac, suffering from gut issues, or caring for someone who is?
I’ve got some ideas, but more importantly, I’m curious about your thoughts. I’m interested in gathering your ideas and suggestions for what matters most to you regarding the recipes, other stuff I share, and this eNewsletter.
It’s time to let the magic happen.
💭 A creative path forward...
I’ve always felt a renewed spirit each Fall when warm, starry nights turn cool. The season when Autumn officially arrives, and August into September’s spent energy gives way to fluttering leaves, turning colorful and crisp as they drift and whirl across the ground into knee-deep piles. The seasonal change brings excitement and energy for what’s to come- don’t you think? Who could not love this time of year when the air turns fresh, and the sunbeams streaming through windows become golden? My creative mind runs wild with the rhythm of new hopes and possibilities.
So, as we drift towards the end of September, this eNewsletter will take on a new rhythm. After years of spending a good deal of time thinking about how to improve your reading and cooking experience, I’m turning to foster this small but still growing community better, creating a safe and fun network space to interact, cook delicious food, eat the foods we love, and discover and share the stories and content that interests you most.
I strive to bring well-tested recipes, stories, interactions, and experiences to a space where you can enjoy a warm sense of home and hospitality with other like-minded people who understand the gluten-free lifestyle to help you live fully nourished.
To work on this new creative yet intentional path forward, I need your feedback to determine whether what I have in mind will also meet your expectations from this eNewsletter.
I only ask for a few minutes of your time. Your help will be beneficial in shaping what’s to come.
Thank you ♥
Ten quick questions for you.
Please click on the photo below or use the button below the image to complete the survey questions.
If you have problems with the survey or if there is anything else you want to tell me or share, please let me know in the comments or reply to this email privately.